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Alpha Letrozole 2.5mg x 50 tablets


10-19 20-49 50-99 100+
$70 $60 $50 $45

All You Need to Know

Recommended Male Dosage: 2.5-5mg every other day.

Recommended Female Dosage: 2mg, twice a week maximum.

Cycle Length: This is an optional aromatase inhibitor. The length of the cycle in which it is used is dependent on the specific steroid regimen being taken. However, it is highly recommended to use Femara when taking an aromatizing steroid, as it helps to maintain hormone balance. The use of Femara during a steroid cycle can help to minimize the risk of negative estrogenic effects, making it a valuable addition to your steroid regimen.



Femara 2.5mg/50 Tablets

Alpha Femara also known as Letrozole is the strongest anti-estrogen in the market.

Letrozole is an anti-estrogen of the Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) family and is one of the most potent and powerfully effective of all AI’s. In fact, its potency is sometimes too much for some to handle when used for off label use. Letrozole first gained U.S. FDA approval in 1997 and would hit the market under the brand name Femara through Novartis. Although Femara is the dominating trade name of the AI, unlike most AI’s it is the only one generally known by its chemical name Letrozole far more commonly than its dominating brand name.

Letrozole was first developed in an effort to combat breast cancer in post-menopausal women. In fact, it would prove to be virtually identical to the already popular AI in Arimidex (Anastrozole). While intended for breast cancer treatment, like many AI’s, it has found a welcomed home among anabolic steroid users. Letrozole is one of the most commonly used anti-estrogens among steroid users during steroid use to combat possible estrogenic related side effects. It is so effective as an anti-estrogen in this regard many anabolic steroids have effectively reversed gynecomastia symptoms with Letrozole.



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Product Specifications

Dosage (Male)

400-800mg per week

Dosage (Female)

50-100mg per week

Anabolic Rating


Androgenic Rating


Active Half-Life

Approximately 6-7 days

Chemical Name

17beta-hydroxyandrost-4-en-3-one heptanoate. (17beta)-3-Oxoestra-4,9,11-trien-17-yl heptanoate.

Stack With...

Deca Durabolin, Anadrol, Dianabol, Superdrol, Equipoise

Post-Cycle Therapy

Clomid, Nolvadex, or HCG

What You'll Need to Get Started

1" Needle

for Compound Extraction

3cc Syringe

for Compound Extraction

1" or 1.5" Needle

for Intramuscular Injection

Sterile Alcohol Wipes

for Intramuscular Injection

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